
Value is another important Element of Art. Value can be defined as the lightness or darkness of an object.

By giving an object different values or in other words when we color an object with different shades of the same color we can make an object look more realistic. Different values are created when a light source shines upon an object and creates Shadows.

Shadows of different values can be classified as follows:

  1. Core Shadow

This is the shadow of the darkest value on the object, this is the place where light reaches at it minimum.

  1. Highlight

This is the lightest value of shadow on the object which is the area which receives the maximum light.

  1. Mid-tone

Mid-tone shadow as the name suggests is the medium value on the object which is lighter than the core shadow but darker than the highlight area.

  1. Cast shadow

Cast shadow is the shadow cast  by the object  on the surface.

Adding value to your art creates a great impact in making it appear more realistic.

For Example, let us take a Simple Cube to show what each of the above said shadows might look like!








Color Value

We can create different Values  of the same color by adding White or black to it. Adding white to a color would give it lighter value whereas adding black would give it a darker value. Depending on the amount of white or black added we can create multiple values of a color.

TINT– When you add white to a color to make it lighter it’s called a TINT.

SHADE-When you add black to a color to make it darker it’s called a SHADE.

TONE -Tone is when you add both white and black(gray) to a color to give it a softer look.

Monochromatic color A single Color with its Tints and shades is called a Monochromatic color Scheme.



Value Exercise

  1.  Draw a Pyramid, decide on a direction of light-source.  Show where the Highlight, Core shadow, Cast Shadow and Mid-tone would be in your drawing.
  2. Repeat the above exercise with a sphere.
  3. Draw an  abstract of a Flower Pot. Paint it using different values of a single color of your choice.
  4. Create a Landscape with emphasis on different Shades and Tints( create at least 10 values) of a Single Color.