Class Curriculum


Fine Art Classes for kids 4 years and up @Scripps Ranch San Diego

Learn the basics of drawing, explore with mediums, paint your imagination, and much more!

Contact Information             Class Hours
Nisha@1-713-261(2033)       Mon-Fri 4:00- 7:00 pm, Sun 1pm-4pm

Please call or email to check availability, pricing, and schedule for the timing of your choice.
What kids learn

Age 4-6 This class is for our little mess makers where they have fun creating their little masterpieces using dot paints, finger painting , sponge painting and also learn to draw easy animals, vehicles, day-to-day objects using simple shapes

Age 7-9 • Learn to make breakdown complex objects into simple shapes making drawing easier.
• Learn the basic elements of art and how you would apply them to your drawings
• Explore with different coloring mediums starting with markers, crayons, pencils sketches to colored pencils, oil pastels, soft pastels, learn to keep your paintings clean while working with it.
• How to paint with water-based coloring mediums like watercolors and acrylic. For example, learn to use your color supplies like brushes and paint properly, learn about how to mix your colors and how to use water to mix the paint properly.
• Learn the meaning of different Compositions like portrait, landscape, still-life, abstract etc.
Age 10-12 • Go from being a beginner at drawing to an advanced artist
• Learning to use the elements of art in your drawings and taking the next step towards making realistic paintings
• Learning the elements of design like proportion and balance.
• Working with different mediums like colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolors, acrylic and Oil Painting
• Using the elements of art and design to create landscapes, portrait, abstract, still life etc.
• Create a composition of your choice using your imagination by applying your art skills learnt.
• Learn the basics of human anatomy and learn figure drawing