Positive and Negative space- Lesson 4 in Space Element of Art

Space is the area around and within the subject of your art or you could say that it is the picture plane where your art is created. It can be said that it is a technique that creates an illusion of depth and volume on a flat surface of the paper.

We can classify space into two components: Positive space and Negative space.

Positive space is the main idea or subject of the artwork to which your eye is drawn whereas Negative space is the area around it.

In this exercise, we will learn about positive and negative space with an artwork where we will draw our hands as a positive and negative space.

The positive space will have details with line art using black permanent marker!!

Please follow along on Youtube to watch this lesson in video format or continue reading

Things needed:

  1. Two White mixed media paper
  2. One Black paper
  3. White colored pencil
  4. Black permanent marker
  5. glue and scissors

Steps to follow:

  1. Using your white colored pencil draw an outline of your hands on the black paper.
  2. Then create a neat cut out, so that you have a black hand shaped cutout and the paper around it creating a hand shaped hole.
  3. Stick each of these on the two white drawing paper.
  4. The black area is your negative space.
  5. So now you have one artwork with your hand as the positive space and another one with your hand as the negative space.
  6. I designed the positive area with some line art, but you can choose to do something else too!
Step 1 : outline of hand
Step 2& Step 3: Creating cutout and stick it on white paper
Step 2 and Step 3: Creating cutout and stick it on white paper
Step 5 and Step 6: Adding a line art to your positive spaces( white area)

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