Pistachio shell landscape

This week we have been working on a little wall art using leftover pistachio shells.

Since school started, we have been working on mini projects that can be finished in less than an hour.

Things Required:

  • A small canvas
  • Acrylic colors and paint brushes
  • Marker pens
  • Pistachio shells
  • Craft glue / hot glue

I have explained step by step procedure to make the art below:

  1. Decide on an art work that you would like to create. We have chosen a easy garden with flowers, butterflies, ladybugs and rocks.
  2. Get your canvas and paint the background.
  3. Color your pistachio shells based on the picture you want.
  4. Place your colored shells on the canvas to get an idea of where to stick the shells.
  5. Use a craft glue to stick them firmly in place.
  6. Use your markers and put in the finishing touches( like the stems and the grass in the background).

And that’s it; there’s an easy artwork that the kids can finish in no time.

Some other ideas that you could use:

  • A girl on a swing
  • Birds on a tree
  • An underwater sea adventure

Try out any of these and share with your friends too!!

Getting ready for Halloween!!

Even though we have more than a month left… but we already started planning for fall decor.

During the Labor Day weekend it was so hot in SAN Diego, we hardly went out, so us mother-daughter duo spent some time coming up with some ideas for decorating on Halloween.

Sharing a very easy Halloween canvas made with paper lunch bags below.

Things required:

  1. Three brown paper lunch sacks
  2. Black/brown markers
  3. Glue stick and clear tape
  4. Led lamps or torch ( preferring yellow lights)


Align the brown paper bags properly and choose a little Halloween themed drawing.

Step 2.

Use a brown/black marker to color.

Step 3.

Join the 3 bags on the side with a glue stick, you can use a clear tape to join them from the top.

Step 4.

Place a LED light inside each of the lunch sacks to light it up.

Note: The bigger the lamps, the better the canvas would look, I had only one big one which I placed in the center.

Also check out the fall themed painting with step by step instructions:

It’s a Fall feeling!!

It’s a Fall feeling!

Can’t believe summer is almost over!! Time for getting back to school…time to get your learning hats on!! Nimisha has been so excited to get back to school.. not only cause she has been missing her friends but also ’cause it’s gonna be time to enjoy some Fall fun..going to the pumpkin patch, picking out some pumpkins to carve, going on a hay ride and most of all…Halloween!!

So this week we are working on a Fall themed painting that we would love to share with you!!

Below is the blueprint of the painting (medium:color pencils on drawing paper).

The above painting has the following parts that I will illustrate step by step:

1. The tree with branches( highlights are the fall colors yellow, orange and red)

2. The pumpkin patch-the pumpkins are positioned in different ways).

3. The sunflower hiding in the bushes.

4. The two houses- the ranch house( in orange) and the barn house in red).

I will be explaining how to draw each of the above things one by one.

Some of the other highlights on the painting are the far away vegetable gardens and the plantations on the hills.

1. The Tree

Following is the PDF file for instructions to draw a tree with Fall colors- medium oil

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByADP6gPQb_WOXV4OFZSVG5BUU0Fall tree

The pumpkin patch

The flowers in the bushes

We don’t need to be too perfect in drawing the flower petals, just place some flowers randomly and cover them up with some tall grasses.

The Houses

Now that we have an idea of what all we have in our painting, we need to place them in their spots and there… we have our perfect painting for fall.

Fall tree and Pumpkin patch in oil pastel