Easy animal pictures

My 2year old daughter is at a stage where she asks me to draw something and then she enjoys carrying it around with her. Now it might be easy to draw an animal but when your kid suddenly asks you, you realize that you don’t have a clue as to where to begin. Below are some step-by-step instructions to draw some animal pictures.

I will start with the easiest picture; which probably everybody knows how to draw.

A fish


Next we will try to draw some birds and bees. I have tried to keep it as simple as possible so that its easy for a beginner to try.

A bird


A duck


A hen


A peacock


A bee and flowers



After the birds, next we will try some four legged animals. I have tried to keep all of them to follow the same method; dividing  the drawing into two parts-THE FACE and THE BODY.

Once you have done that try to visualize the animal, then mold it accordingly.

A rabbit

I have two versions, very similar but one is very easy and the other one looks more realistic and might be appropriate for older kids(6+).

rabbit easy


A pig


A dog


I hope this post would have given you some idea as to get started with drawing some animals.

Similarly try drawing a cat or a dolphin.






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