Abstract art project using basic shapes

This is a simple activity to get started. This is a very basic art project that every kid might have tried in their pre-school. So you may ask, what is different here. Nothing…but we are going to display it on our walls and make our child feel confident that they are good at it.

What you need:

  1. A 12X12 pre-stretched canvas
  2. Some colored construction papers -different colors
  3. A pair of child friendly scissors
  4. Glue stick
  5. Glitter glue(optional)


Ask your child to draw some different shapes on the construction papers. Let them cut out those shapes. Younger children might need help for cutting them. Get the glue stick and stick the shapes on to the canvas any way you want.

At this point get creative. My daughter likes to glitter up everything, so she started outlining the shapes (the white spaces in between) with her glitter glue.  But then she felt like it needed more; so by the time she finished she had glittered the whole thing up.

Now this was a very basic activity, but it led her to having some cool ideas and below is a beautiful art work that is hanging in my living space. She did have some help with drawing the flowers, but she had the idea for what to make and that is a very important part of getting started with art-“HAVING A CREATIVE IDEA”


The kids can use this technique to make their own greeting cards, it’s pretty easy for the kids to make on their own and their sense of achievement is something that is fulfilling for you as a parent.

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